10 questions with Joseph Delaney

Nicola from BBC Radio Lancashire  ( she has interviewed me a couple of times ) has launched a book club on her face book page and done a series of author Q & As via her website.



You can buy my books here https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/315/315013/brother-wulf/9780241416495.html






5 comments on “10 questions with Joseph Delaney

    • I did start writing the fourth book in the series but my publisher decided that three was enough and asked me to write something else. In response I wrote ‘Aberrrations’. One day I might complete that fourth book. What might happen in the fourth Arena 13 book is an army of humans crossing the Barrier to fight the djinn. There would be battles but when they breach the wall a new type of arena conflict might decide the issue. I had Kwin in mind to fight in that arena but, of course, it is not written yet.

  1. Could you please add a Türkish god or goddes to the Spook’s series? For example, Satılay, Goddess of Suicide, Erlik, God of Evil and Underworld, Azna Han, God of Mischief, Arsan Dolay, God of Greed, Okay Han, God of Wizards, Duyar Han, God of Torture, Hu Hanım, God of Wrath

  2. Could you please add a Türkish god or goddes to the Spook’s series? For example, Satılay, Goddess of Suicide, Erlik Han, God of Evil and Underworld, Azna Han, God of Mischief, Arsan Duolay, God of Greed, Okay Han, God of Wizards, Hu Hanım, Goddess of Wrath, Al Ana, Goddess of Evil.

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