The Spook’s Curse


Book No: 02 of  13

The Spook and his apprentice, Thomas Ward, have travelled to Priestown on some unfinished business. For deep in the catacombs of the ancient cathedral lurks a daemon the Spook has never been able to defeat, an entity so evil that the whole County is in danger of being corrupted by its powers. They call it ‘the Bane’.

As Tom and the Spook prepare for the battle of their lives it becomes clear that the Bane isn’t their only enemy in Priestown. The Quisitor has arrived searching the County for those who meddle with the dark – witches, warlocks and spooks! Can Thomas and his master survive the horror that follows?

Extract 1

“You’ve been Mr Gregory’s apprentice for six months, so you’ve had long enough to see things for yourself,” Mam said. “And by now the dark has noticed you and will be trying to hunt you down. So you’re in danger, son, and for a while that danger will keep on growing. But remember this…When you’re a man, then it’ll be the dark’s turn to be afraid, because then you’ll be the hunter not the hunted. That’s why I gave you life.”

Extract 2

“A pleasant room, this,” said the Bane. “One of my favourite places, it is. Full of old bones. But fresh blood is what I want and the blood of the young is best of all. But if I can’t get blood then I’ll make do with bones. New bones are the best. Give me new bones every time, fresh sweet and filled with marrow. That’s what I like. I love to split young bones and suck out the marrow.”

Author’s Comments:

This was a more difficult book to write. I was still working as a full-time teacher. As a head of department, I was preparing for an inspection and finding the re-writes of the editing process difficult and time-consuming. Once again, Charlie Sheppard is to be thanked for guiding me through it. It was at this time that ‘Greenwillow’, an imprint of the USA publishing company ‘Harper Collins’, signed me for a three-book deal and I realised that I was free to become a full-time writer.

2 comments on “The Spook’s Curse

  1. The Wardstone Chronicles is the best reading advice I can give to a person. This book feels like the story was a little bit slower compared to the first book, but the writing, the story were just perfect like the first book. The Spook’s Curse goes slowly, but that makes me want to read it so much more, when the book ends, it feels like the perfect dinner that I just eat and can never eat it again. There are only 15 books in the world this good, those 15 books are The Wardstone Chronicles. I always say a book better than this one can only be written by one man: Joseph Delaney, I thank you again for this wonderful writing and i wish you have even better life. If that’s possible.

  2. Dear Joseph,
    Last week, I borrowed a book from my niece’s collection of The Wardstone Chronicles: it was The Spook’s Apprentice, and came highly recommended by her. From the very first page, (I even read the fore-matter!) I found myself suddenly immersed in a truly compelling story, crafted from bewildering imagination, and so naturally and humbly written. That, to me, takes skill. I loved it. And today, I am filled with a sadness as I visit your website for the first time, only to learn that you have moved on. I felt I’d got to know you, just a little. I had gleaned a sense of the character of the man behind the pen: ingenuous, unpretentious, and hard-working. I wish I could have known you in person, for I aim to be an author myself, and I have loads of questions to ask! Behind my sadness swells a gratefulness, an honour in knowing you just that little bit. So I look forward, eager to read more, eager to know you a little more, eager to learn: an unexpected apprentice.
    There was darkness while you shone; but I see light in your shadow.
    Fare well, Joseph

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